“Be still.
Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity.”
– Lao Tzu
Saturday Morning Meditation Workshops, Pop-up Events – £35
From time to time, I offer a Saturday morning meditation workshop giving you an opportunity to deepen your meditation practice and soak in an oasis of stillness. These are mornings of deep relaxation. There is also a gentle focus on spiritual teachings and guidance to support your spiritual, emotional and physical well-being, especially during times of life challenges and stress. They take place within the safe and loving embrace of the sacred space of the Studio (Epsom).
Workshops take place from 9.30am–12.30pm in the dedicated sacred space of my Epsom Studio with a maximum of 6 participants.
A break for tea/coffee/refreshments is included.
Next Workshops
8th June: A Morning of Silence.
Enjoy the incredible transformative benefits of resting in silence. A guided experience that will support you as you allow yourself to be captured by stillness.
6th July: Crystal Healing Workshop.
An opportunity to sense and feel the healing presence of the nature and earth spirits associated with crystals. Guided meditation for self healing with crystals. The Studio will become a ‘crystal cave’ for this lovely workshop.
31st August: A New Perspective on the Chakra or Energy Centre System.
An opportunity to gain a new understanding of the chakra system.
5th October: A Morning of Stillness Connecting with the Essence of Trees
In Autumn trees release their leaves and life within them slows down. We will connect through meditation with nature and trees to help us slow down, let go of summer and rest in silence supporting our immune systems as winter approaches. We will also use various trees essences to deepen this connection to the stillness of trees.
7th December: Embodiment; the Key to Women’s Spirituality
During this workshop there will be a focus on what we mean by embodiment or ‘being in your body’ and why this supports women’s well-being, spiritual growth and development.
1st February: The Loving Presence and Wisdom of Mary Magdalene
The story of Mary Magdalene is the story of feminine spiritual authority and how this was obliterated by the religion of Christianity. This workshop will be an introduction to the original wisdom teachings of Mary Magdalene which are still so relevant for our own soul journey today.
The price each workshop is £35
To book a place or to find out more, please get in touch:
What people have said…
“I recently attended Gillian’s course about chakras, (Saturday 31st August 2024). Gillian is an inspiring workshop facilitator and this was evident in her approach. She made a potentially complicated subject easy to understand and experiential through meditation. I now want to find out more and would highly recommend this workshop. S J.
“Every time I take part in one of Gillian’s sessions, I come away renewed and restored. This Saturday morning was for me like a trip to the beach without leaving the house. Afterwards I felt a depth of comfort and beauty that stays with you and, in my case at least, provided for a wonderful night’s sleep and the confidence to keep on going onwards and upwards – even through difficult times. I so appreciate the wisdom, experience, gentleness and insight that imbue her sessions and help to make them special, safe and very healing for mind, body and spirit. Her warmth and fantastic sense of humour also mean that sessions are filled with joy and laughter – so very uplifting. I can’t thank Gillian enough and recommend her highly.” C S.
“Incredibly restful morning, allowing a period of reflection and more.
Participating in Gillian’s sessions has significantly improved my wellbeing.” A.C.
“I have been meaning to email you sooner regarding the lovely morning we all shared a couple of weeks ago. Wow it was truly amazing!! Just what I needed to be able to reflect on 2020. I realised that although it was extremely tough, I still managed it. This has helped me so much to have had that time and space to reflect. I can now put 2020 to bed!! Then to feel my little one move around inside me was really special!! I felt so much relief and release afterwards. I felt amazing!! Saturday afternoon I developed a headache but from the Sunday I felt like a new woman and felt much more able to manage everything throughout that week!! So I know I can feel that way again it is just trying to manage it myself to be able to feel that way!! Thank you so much. I know I can feel this inner peace and I know I can release my anxiety symptoms it is just having the confidence to know this but your session truly was amazing”. K.V.